Monday, August 31, 2009

When the Mind Is Tired and the Body Not

I recall a conversation with an Amish fellow about the nature of this set apart religion. I remember him saying that one of the problems with our modern culture, its conveniences, and its mental labors is that our minds are tired but our bodies are not... so we don't rest well.

Having spent 5-6 hours in a car, I heard my wife say how tired she was for just sitting in the car. Her point is well taken. Most of us live rather sedentary lives in comparison to our ancestors. Our labors are mental more than physical. And what is the chronic complaint of people today? We can't get to sleep or we can't stay asleep or we can't go back to sleep... So we have prescription medicines and all sorts of non-prescription sleep aids designed to assist us in our quest for rest.

Now don't get me wrong -- I grew up in the labor intensive years of agriculture, transportation, and industry. I have walked fields cutting cockle burs, I rode my bike or walked where I needed to go as a youth, and I worked with my Dad enough to know I did not want to be a plumber, electrician, HVAC, and water well man -- the work was too hard. I am a child of the modern era -- I have a riding lawn mower, laptop, cell phone, Popiel Showtime rotisserie grill, etc.


I know what that Amish guy means. It is hard to rest when your mind is tired but your body isn't. For some reason, when our bodies are tired, our minds follow... but when our minds are tired, our bodies often resist the rest we need so badly. Could this be part of the curse of Eden? I wonder...

When Jesus comes offering us rest, He is not talking about a good night's sleep. He is not even offering a great little power nap in the middle of the afternoon. No, He is offering that which quiets the mind and heart so that the body may follow. He is offering us peace. Peace that calms the fears... peace that quiets the restlessness... peace that comforts the uncertainty... peace that forgives the sin so that regret leaves us... peace that answers death's long, dark shadow with the light of everlasting life...

Peace I leave with you... says Jesus. My peace I give to you... not as the world gives... The world gives many joys but more headaches... much happiness but many more disappointments... many accomplishments but more work left to do... It is a great place -- the world -- but not so great we want today to live forever. We are given peace that the world cannot give -- the glimpse of a peace that is known fully only when we fully know heaven.

A little peace... peace to quiet the mind so that the body may follow... That is His gift to us. Read again the marvelous little prayer Luther taught...

I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you-this gives a whole meaning to the words Peace be with you.
