Friday, June 10, 2011

1,000 Posts

I went to post and saw that the number of posts hit 1,000 with the last one (on visible and invisible church).  Well, a thousand posts and about 250,000 hits (my counter was added later and I am only offering an "educated guess" on that).  I think that I have lived up to the title.  Most of my thoughts are meandering -- random, scattered, disorganized, etc... a few profound ones here and there (not many) and a few memorable typos (too many).  I know that they were meant pastorally but I am not sure that is how they were taken.  I hope so but some of the comments seems to imply I got under the skin of a few folks...

I cannot tell you how long this show will go on.  I have thought of cancelling it a few times but then I seem to have one of those random thoughts, and, well, you know.  But it is a milestone of some sort and I wanted to note it.  No big deal but big enough to mention, anyway.  So if you are reading, I hope you will continue...


  1. Dear Pastor Peters,
    Thank you so very much for posting each day! We live 45minutes from our church and having a good connection to the people there is sometimes difficult. This site keeps us connected and offers a clear since of the law and Gospel. If I may be so bold, I am reminded of St. Paul: "And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not". Gal. 6:9 The Church needs men like you who continue to speak words of encouragement for those of us otherwise may give up the struggle. Thanks be to God for the gifts he has shared through you!
    Elsa Quanbeck

  2. Pastor P,
    I wanted to say too that I appreciate your writing. Your musings are always interesting and thought provoking. I have never met you or even been to your church but have come to respect your words, especially when you are speaking pastorally.


  3. Pastor Peters,

    Often you have said what I have thought, backing it up with real pastoral experience and writing more eloquently than I have. You can be firm with your opinions without being condescending, and that seems to be a rare talent in the blogosphere.

    If you have the time, keep writing. I appreciate it, and I'm sure others do, too.

    It was a pleasure meeting you at the worship conference in Jan 2010.

  4. Pastor Peters,

    Thanks for your posts! I, like those above, also enjoy your posts because they get and keep me thinking.

    In Christ's peace,

  5. Dear Rev. Peters: Congratulations and thanks on the occasion of your millennium. There are many times when your postings have been a source of inspiration and edification for me.

    I most appreciate the fact that you have never blocked any of my critical comments. Barring obvious obscenity or nonsense, this is the kind of attitude which, in my opinion, every Pastor must have in order to properly reflect the freedom of the Gospel. If everything needs to be controlled, then the Gospel cannot prosper. So, thanks again.

    Peace and Joy!
    George A. Marquart

  6. You post, I read. (And open my big mouth in type.)

  7. I hope you don't stop posting. As an adult convert, I've learned quite a bit that is good from your blog. It's one of the first places I head to when I turn on my computer. And congrats on 1,000 posts!

  8. Pr. Peters,

    Yours is a great blog. I've pointed out your entries to my pastor and lay elders many times.

  9. Please don't stop posting. I'm also an adult convert who has learned a great deal from your blog. Makes me grateful that I am an LCMS member.
