Monday, January 23, 2012

Great week... many posts to come!

As I returned from the Symposia at Fort Wayne, I am again struck by the stature of the faculty, the welcome to hear others in pursuit of truth and faithfulness, the size of this gathering, the centrality and quality of the worship, and the way the Seminary has distinguished itself yet again as the premier place for the great theological conversations of our time!

The Symposia at Concordia Theological Seminary is the largest annual gathering of Pastors of the LCMS!  Add to that a smattering of Deaconesses, a contingent of North American confessional types from outside the LCMS, foreign representatives and students.  What you end up with is a marvelous week of solid theological discussion, worship to renew the soul, renewed friendships to restore the heart, and enough books to keep you busy reading for a long, long time...

Stay tuned... you WILL hear more!

BTW I cannot wait until the Library is finished.  Can we cough up some more shekels so that this completion date for the entire project is moved up! 


  1. The Symposia at Fort Wayne is the
    largest gathering of LIKEMINDED
    pastors in the LCMS. This is a
    winter vacation for the ultra-right
    conservatives who are acolytes for
    Dr. David Scaer.

  2. Pastor Peters: I am so glad you enjoyed the Symposia. I hope it gives you renewed energy and joy.

    In Christ,


  3. No, anonymous, the Symposia IS the largest annual single gathering of LCMS clergy...

  4. "I was impressed with the SIZE of the
    gathering." Sounds like MEGA-CHURCH
    thinking when numbers are important.

    "I was impressed with the STATURE of
    the faculty." Prof Just is tall,
    but most of the professors are short.
    Perhaps this means you as a short
    man could look them in the eye.

  5. Anonymous, doesn't Jesus pray we will all be LIKEMINDED? (See John 17) Isn't it cause for joy when a good SIZE of pastors in our church are able to get together for continuing education and theological discussions?

    From your 2 comments, I sincerely pray you get help. May the Lord have mercy on you and us all.

  6. "Add to that a smattering of Deaconesses, a contingent of North American confessional types from outside the LCMS, foreign representatives and students." There were even a few laymen there too! Love of theology isn't limited to pastors. I'm glad I got to meet you Pastor Peters. Keep up the good blogging!

  7. is time to enjoy great moments which comes rear in life...
