Sunday, February 12, 2012

Roman Catholic Bishops reject the bone thrown to them by the Obama Administration

It was all smokescreen and mirrors.  We all knew it.  Fortunately, the good bishops of the Roman Catholic Church have called it what it is and rejected it....

Read it all here.....

As I have said before, this issue relates the shift from freedom of religion to freedom of worship as the way of looking at the First Amendment...  There will be more to come on this front, to be sure!


  1. It seems they call it freedom of religion but not worship when they wish to restrict certain activities by religious groups, aka discriminate against them in public accommodations. For example:

    But when they want to restrict other behaviors they say it is freedom of worship but not freedom of religion as in the mandate to pay for insurance that covers contraception and other means to interfere with the healthy and natural process of procreation.

  2. Good for the bishops.

