Sunday, March 18, 2012

ELCA Outsourcing Magazine for Professional Church Workers?!?

A friend sent me an email, a topic popped up on the ALPB Forum, and an online ad for the magazine all indicate that the rumors are true.  The ELCA is a non-financial partner in a new magazine to replace Lutheran Partners which was directed primarily as Pastors of that church body.  It is interesting that this path was chosen and equally interesting that LOGOS Productions found it a viable market.  As one wag put it, how long before the flagship magazine The Lutheran is also farmed out for production by others (especially given its precipitous decline in subscriptions over the course of the ELCA's history.  Who knows?

Welcome to L Magazine: Empowering ELCA Leaders for Vital Ministry!

Since the discontinuation of Lutheran Partners in 2010, ELCA leaders have yearned for a trusted resource to support them in their ministries. Now they have one with the NEW L Magazine, starting with the March/April 2012 issue.

Advertise to 15,000 leaders of the largest body of Lutherans in the United States – the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

ELCA leaders will find important ministry information on topics such as:
✦ church trends
✦ church history
✦ continuing education in seminaries and colleges
✦ colleges and seminaries
✦ chaplaincy
✦ pastoral care and counseling
✦ church technology
✦ worship
✦ Christian education (including Sunday school, youth and confirmation, and adult study)
✦ preaching
✦ volunteer support
✦ stewardship
✦ book and DVD reviews

Published by Logos Productions – a leader in resources for mainline pastors and churches since 1965

Logos Productions is the publisher and distributor of numerous resources – including resources from denominations such as Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Episcopal, United Methodist, Presbyterian USA, United Church of Christ, Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ), Reformed Church in America, Congregationalists, and American Baptists. We also are the publisher of magazines such as The Lutheran Digest and The Clergy Journal (now no longer in circulation).

Meet Our Editor: Timothy Staveteig

Staveteig is currently the Executive Director at My Literary Coach, literary agent, and ordained pastor. He was the publisher (and editor) at The Pilgrim Press (United Church of Christ), academic editor for Westminster John Knox Press at Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, and an editor for Fortress Press at Augsburg Fortress Publishers. He holds degrees from the University of Chicago, Luther Seminary, and the University of North Dakota.


  1. I was just reading the Seminex stuff over at BJS and it made me wonder. How is it that all those pastors, seminarians, professors and congregations left during the whole Seminex and eventually combined with the LCA, ALC etc and still they are dwindling? Supposedly they were so enlightened, yada yada and were so dynamic and would engage modernity, blah, blah, blah.

    Gee, what happened? All the Herr-Doktor-Allwissends left to show us what for. So, what was it all for? Not for growth, that is for sure.

  2. Last I heard, Augsburg Fortress was in financial trouble. Perhaps the churches in altar and pulpit fellowship with the ELCA are also having problems. I wonder if many demominations are slowly phasing out their in-house publishing divisions.

    I am glad that CPH is doing just fine.

  3. I didn't agree with this blog post. Blogger have different point of views on different occasions.
