Saturday, May 5, 2012

This Just In...

The Methodists have staved off departure from 2,000 years of Christian teaching on marriage to beat back the press of the GLBT agenda for full participation of GLBT in the ministry and the full acceptance of gay marriage... due largely to the resistance of the 40% of Methodists from outside the US (largely Africa) who, combined with those opposed here, stemmed the growing tide of the full acceptance and full participation in all levels of the church's life and ministry for GLBT members.  Some, in favor of the change, lament the influence of those outside the US and believe that it is less a matter of rejection of the GLBT agenda than it is not yet the time for this acceptance... that the time will come... well, we will see...

1 comment:

  1. If that fullness of tine comes, then I believe there will be TWO Methodist churches, Just as the American Anglicans left the Episcopal church, and just as there are now more 'flavors' of Lutherans, thaks to 'elca.'
