Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Five Wives... No the kind you drink...

The AP is reporting on Idaho's state liquor authority rejecting a vodka for sale in the state liquor stores because it is offensive to Mormons.  You can read the AP story here but I have quoted a few lines of the ban on quasi-religious concerns:
SALT LAKE CITY — Five Wives Vodka was named in bad taste and won’t be stocked or special ordered at stores operated by the state of Idaho, regulators said.

The middle-shelf vodka is made by Ogden’s Own Distillery in Utah, where the Mormon church is based. Its label carries the name and an image of five women, an apparent reference to polygamy, a practice abandoned by the church more than a century ago.

Idaho State Liquor Division administrator Jeff Anderson said the brand is offensive to Mormons who make up over a quarter of Idaho’s population.
Hmmmm... I thought Mormons were not supposed to drink at all.  If that is the case, any vodka would be offensive to practitioners of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  No?  Probably the distillery is run by some ungodly group that is not so ill inclined toward drinking... like, say, Lutherans?!


  1. This is EXACTLY why I'll stick with my Grey Goose, thank you very much! :)

  2. Idaho changed its mind.

  3. Apparently, the Mormons are not offended by beer:

    Feel free to buy a shirt as a souvenir of Utah:

    By the way, the restaurant/brewpub in Park City, Utah is excellent!

    ~~Cafeteria Lutheran
