Monday, July 9, 2012

For Pastors Only...

Sinful pleasure... repent after viewing... if you are not a Pastor, on your honor you must not go there...

Ev'ry Day I'm Pastorin'.....


  1. Oh, come on, Pr. Peters, that is like putting the apple right there in front of us poor chicks who are now just eat up with curiosity.

    How could you? :(

  2. Before I read, "Thou shalt not view" I didn't bother. When the commandment came, I clicked and I died (laughing).

    If you can confess to watching it, so can I.

  3. I can understand the attraction. Seriously, anyone who appreciates "The IT Crowd" and uses video from that "best BBC comedy ever" series to express themselves is already near the top of my favorites list.

  4. Yikes. His? July 6 post is a little less than orthodox.
