Saturday, September 8, 2012

Extremism in support of Obama is no vice...

You can't blame Obama for this.  But clearly some of his supporters have betrayed their understanding of religion and Christianity.  In this view, Jesus had a younger brother.  His name was Barry...  The same supporters might well think that the younger has surpassed the elder in this strange take on faith.  Just goes to show you how silly this silly season can get... and why so many folks no longer take politics seriously (as it should be taken)...  Obama's alleged birth certificate (lets have some fun here) and an editorial comment on it....


  1. I don't see it. As President Mr. Obama warrants our prayers, to be certain. But a second or new "messiah?!" If the present situation of this nation, as well as the last four years, are any indication of this new "messiah's" coming "kingdom," we're all in deep, deep trouble!

  2. Actually, you can blame Obama for this. I looked into the source of the picture. This is from the 2013 Calendar (August) that sold thousands at the DNC. The calendar is filled with pictures of the first family and the Obama's certainly endorsed it by the use of the photos and the sales of the merchandise.

  3. The satirical website, "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?," shows various photos, posters, and reports about the pathetic effects on Demonicrats who have drunk the Obamakoolaid and think of Barry as some kind of god. Here's another Obamadisciple looking for Obamasalvation.

    Anonymous: "As President Mr. Obama warrants our prayers, to be certain."

    Such imprecatory prayers against the antiChristian attacks by the Obama regime are suggested on this bumper sticker and this bumpersticker.

  4. What have the Bush and Obama administrations done to protect religious freedom in NATO-conquered countries such as Iraq and Libya?

    Answer: Nothing. The persecution of Christians continues unabated.

    Why do so many politicians pose as Christians if this issue remains unresolved?

  5. Many folks no longer take politics seriously. Of course. Follow the money trail:
