Thursday, September 27, 2012

Irish PM Enda Kenny cannot help but text away during Papal Audience...

I guess I don't feel so bad when I see folks texting during my sermons -- if they do it to the Pope, they will do it to me.  Worse is when we cannot take our minds off ourselves long enough to pay heed to the Word and Table of the Lord...

Oh well....

HT to Fr. Z


  1. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was taking a picture. The phone was a little too upright for texting comfort. Maybe that's what's going on during your sermons. Everyone just wants to remember the experience by snapping a few photos. :-)

  2. Students text during class, people text during Liturgy, people text during concerts, people text while driving, people text while getting a blessing from the pope, etc. People are people. They are so self-consumed that it will require a massive change of heart and letting go of their own ego to stop.

  3. But nothing was less sly than this attempt to snap a photo of Lionel Messi.

  4. A symptom of our inability to concentrate on 'non-excitement.'

    Fr. Peters, at least your sermons are in a language your congregants know, and being Lutheran, you have something True to say!
