Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Maybe best unnoticed...

I was tied up during the parade and when I got to finally look at the Lutheran Hour float... well, it was not what I had expected from years of being awed by the work and the witness... you be the judge.  Maybe I should left this stone unturned...


  1. Not crazy about the color choices, but it looks ok. By the way, who is the guy with the long hair and the robe?

  2. Was the man in the beard throwing candy?

  3. Who's the long hair dude?
    Of course Jesus did not take the vow of the Nazarenes and thus cut his hair, the hippi Jesus us not historically correct.

    Also, is that Wayne Newton in the yellow jacket?

  4. The man in the jacket is Elvis, of course... who else would welcome folks to the pearly gates!

  5. The Lutheran Hour was "missional" ever since Dr. Wallace Schulz was fired in 2002:

    The promoters of the church growth movement within the LCMS are still entrenched at The Lutheran Hour. It is therefore not surprising that the parade float was yet another tacky technique for tricking unbelievers into loving Jesus.
