Monday, October 13, 2014

Boys in Trouble

HT to Pr Chris Esget at Esgetology for passing this on... which I will do as well...

The problem is highlighted by the fact that teaching (at least in grade levels below high school) is largely a feminine occupation.  We have heard of the problems of the feminization of the Church, of the issues created by a culture in which women no longer need men, men are treated as children and do not grow up, and the differences in the normal patterns of learning and socialization between boys and girls.  Now someone has put a finger on the problems boys face in the schools.  BTW there is that dreaded and cowardly idea of zero tolerance again!  I wholeheartedly agree.  Watch it and see if your don't as well!


  1. Thank you for sharing this. We have three sons who are not quite school age and it is good to know what battles we will face.

  2. Also, worth reading on the topic is, "Boys Should Be Boys: 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons,” by Dr. Meg Meeker. I heard an interview with her on Issues, Etc., and while it is obviously important to have a discerning eye when considering the social science work these days, she hit a few things right on the head.
