Monday, January 15, 2018

Ugliness be gone!

The 1968 version of the Catholic Student Center at the Univ. of Madison, Wisconsin:

One wag suggested this looked like the top of a hair clipper (at least from the outside) although the interior is both ugly and brutal.  It was reduced to landfill and has been replaced with something very different.

An improvement, don't you think. 


  1. Well, they got rid of something "ugly and brutal," but they still have the Antichrist and his blasphemous doctrine.

  2. I have never been a fan of 60’s architecture.

  3. Carl, you are in fine Christian charity this morning! This will certainly attract lots of adherents to our cause.

  4. And you prefer form rather than substance, Cliff?!?

  5. Carl, I just hope you are not Lutheran?

  6. Don't put any money on your hope, Cliff. I am baptized, raised and confirmed as a Lutheran.

  7. There is a name for this type of architecture... can't remember it. There is a Lutheran Student Center at Kansas Univ. in Lawrence just like this, though on a smaller scale. They just celebrated an anniversary...

  8. Any photos of the Lutheran student center in Madison?

  9. Art and architecture speak. I dare say if a Lutheran (or any orthodox Christian) wandered into the student center by accident, he surely would recognize the representation of our Lord (among other things). One does not become a congressman by walking into the Capitol chamber...

  10. Given how many RCC dioceses have declared bankruptcy to avoid paying the families of molested children in clergy abuse settlements, I am quite surprised that the diocese in question would have the money to embark on such an effort. No, wait.....

    The RCC has no problem merging several smaller, local congregations into one large congregation, selling off the property, and then constructing a very large, elegant building. It would be ideal if the LCMS could do the same with many of their half-empty, ugly buildings currently situated in poor locations. Most people don't want "modern" architecture. Any church structure that looks like it may have been built in the 1800s would be ideal.

    An LCMS congregation with such beautiful, pre-20th century architecture would prompt the elders to vote for a quick demolition and reconstruction into a big movie theater auditorium to make it easier to imitate the non-denominational mega-churches.

  11. Hi Betty! Were you thinking "brutalism" as the architectural school?
