Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Save a used book store today. . .

Got this news. . . .
We are Loome Theological Booksellers, as far as we know, the world's oldest theological bookstore.

You can find us on Main street in historic downtown Stillwater, the birthplace of Minnesota, on the beautiful St. Croix River and WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP US HERE!

Back in the 1970s, our founder, Doctor of Theology and college professor, Thomas Loome began rescuing books from dying libraries, monasteries, seminaries.  He gathered them from all over North America and England into our first brick and mortar location in the Old Swedish Covenant Church, also in Stillwater.  From there, year after year, he gave these books new lives by getting them into the hands, and then the hearts and minds of the thousands of visitors to his bookstore.  They came, and still do, from all over the world.  But only if YOU help....

I have purchased books from Loome though I have not visited.  I hope that this difficult stretch will be overcome and his business continue.  A number of wonderful old haunts have come and gone and I miss pouring over bulging bookshelves of dusty volumes that probably had not been the subject of people's interest for a long time.  I don't know how you feel about a used book store and particularly a theological book shop but I feel a rather sacred bond with them.  So if you can do nothing else, please pray for the good folks there.  They seem to me rather like family.

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