Thursday, December 27, 2018

GLBTQ and other issues impact on churches. . .

As Methodists ponder their own conflicted future over sex and gender issues, one ELCA veteran (Reverend Dave Keener) listed the fall out from their decision to abandon Biblical and Confessional teaching.  I think he is pretty well on the mark regarding the outcome of the failure of "bound conscience" and the impossibility of such disputes coexisting within one church structure.  You aread it and see if this is not an accurate description of the price the ELCA (willingly and, some might say, gladly) paid:

  • Massive loss in membership. In the seven years after the decision to go against the historic teaching of the church the ELCA lost over one million members. They continue to decline but have not released numbers since 2016.
  • Massive loss of income. In the first few years after the vote the ELCA was forced to lay off hundreds of workers and experienced significant decreases in all areas of funding. Their current income for denominational expenses is less than it was in 1987, the year it was organized.
  • Global impact. Many churches in other parts of the world broke off formal ties with the ELCA — especially in Africa and the East.
  • Loss of confessional identity and loyalty.  It was no longer possible for local pastors to recommend that members who were relocating find an ELCA congregation since there was no longer unity in biblical teaching.
  • Theological education. Since the vote the ELCA has slowly purged itself of orthodox seminary professors. They have had to merge two of their seminaries for financial reasons and have removed one seminary president at the urging of progressive advocacy groups.
  • Diversity. One of the battle cries for the ELCA in making their decision was diversity, inclusion and welcoming. Ironically, according to a Pew research study last year the ELCA is now the second least diverse and multicultural denomination in the USA (96% white). The least diverse is the National Baptist Convention which is 99% African American.
  • Theological drift because of lack of accountability. Since the 2009 decision the denomination has continued to drift. With it’s decision the ELCA lost its ability to speak credibly to any issue. In saying that it doesn’t really matter what the Bible clearly states they reduce it to one resource among many and not God’s revelation to His people. Everything becomes a matter of opinion and soon the scripture has no authority for life. Congregations preaching various forms of universalism are becoming more and more common.
  • Generational impactThis article explains how quickly theology can drift in just one generation, once the theological core of a tribe has been removed.
  • Evangelism and discipleship. See point #1 for stats on loss of membership and attendance. As my friend notes, “Once biblical authority and historical teachings are removed, universalism and cheap grace are not far behind” … and neither breeds evangelistic urgency.


  1. That's why the religious organization is referred to as the XXXA, where the "A" stands for "Apostasy."

  2. The ELCA has failed to preach and teach the truth of God's Word.
    Their decision in 2009 to ordain gay/lesbian clergy and allow gay
    marriage was a rejection of God's Word. Their numerical, financial
    and moral losses are to be expected. God cannot bless those who
    deny the truth of Holy Scripture. Today, the leaders of the ELCA
    are only re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  3. And remember too that the XXMX condones and encourages adultery by "marrying" divorced M's and F's and allowing them to become/remain members and commune.

  4. Where, in its document, "Divorce and Remarriage" (CTCR, November, 1987), do you find that the LCMS "condones and encourages adultery by 'marrying' divorced M's and F's and allowing them to become/remain members and commune"?

  5. Does the lcms "marry" persons who have divorced? The Lord gives no such permission. He says those who do "remarry" commit adultery. Those divorced who do "remarry" are committing adultery for as long as they remain in the "remarriage". The lcms condones "remarriage" and allows such to become/remain members and commune.

  6. You obviously haven't bothered to read the CTCR"s "Divorce and Remarriage," which explains in what circumstances a pastor might perform a marriage of divorced persons and in what circumstances he shouldn't.

  7. He appeared to be arguing from the Scriptures.

  8. The CTCR doc answers the Pharisees' question in the affirmative, contrary to the Lord.

  9. Regarding the point: "Theological drift because of lack of accountability," how can an LCMC congregation maintain any type of consistency once it leaves the ELCA? Why should I trust an LCMC or NALC pastor's word that their new church bodies are not alternate versions of the ELCA minus support for homosexuality?

    On another note, it appears that the LCMS Texas district prefers to yoke itself to the rotting ELCA corpse. A link to the 2019 Senior Fest, sponsored by the LCMS Texas district, can be found here. Please look closely at the speakers listed in the .pdf file:

    Could the LCMS please, please, please get some Johnathan Fisk or Bryan Wolfmueller types to replace those clueless baby boomer district leaders down in Texas?

  10. According to the Texas District Senior Fest brochure, the devotions will be given by Rev. Michael Neuman, LCMS TX District President, and the Keynote Speaker is XXXA Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod Bishop Michael Rinehart. The six workshops and presenters include:

    1. BE NOT AFRAID! DISCOVER THE MYSTERY OF THE LABYRINTH! -Barbara Schutz, Spiritual Director, member of First English Lutheran Church (ELCA), Austin.
    2. BOTH SIDES NOW: Dialog in a Time of Political Extremism - Bee Moorehead [actually Moorhead], Executive Director, Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy/Texas Impactmember and deacon of University Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Austin.
    3. CALLINGS NO ONE HOPES FOR BUT MAY BE UNABLE TO REFUSE:Are you ready? How do you prepare? - Barbara Wiederaenders, member of First English Lutheran Church (ELCA), Austin.
    4. FEARLESS GENEROSITY: Legacy Planning for Family and Ministry - Deacon John Dellis, gift planner, Lutheran Foundation of the Southwestmember of Abiding Presence Lutheran Church (ELCA), San Antonio.
    5. HAVE NO FEAR; SAFE I ANCHOR IN HIS GRACE! - Dr. Robert Achterberg, member of St. Paul Lutheran Church (LCMS), Austin.
    6. “WHO GETS GRANDMA’S YELLOW PIE PLATE”: A Guide to Passing on Personal Possessions - Blaine Nelson, member of St. Andrew Lutheran Church (ELCA), Canyon Lake.

    Thus, of the six presenters (seven, if you include the Keynote Speaker), only ONE is a Missouri Synod Lutheran. The rest are members of apostate religious groups.

    It's surprising how a congregation that holds such workshops with so many non-Lutheran presenters could still be listed on the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgical Congregations website.
