Thursday, March 7, 2019

Safe zones. . .

If you really cared for your people, you pastors would be more sensitive to their preferences, needs, and desires.  I am happy to say that my congregation, under my capable and courageous leadership, has taken the lead to make our church more user friendly.  Some of the things we have instituted:

  1. Glassed off areas for those who prefer non-smoking (that is, no incense) seating.  Simply note your preference to the usher and he will find you a seat in the non-smoking area.
  2. Glassed off safe room for those who find the service or sermon content offensive and feel threatened by it.  People are free to get up and rush into the room (formerly known as the cry room) anytime they feel offended or threatened or object to anything.
  3. Soundproof and glassed in cubicles for folks who do not like music, do not like the music currently in the service, or who prefer not to sing.
  4. Climate controlled zones for people who prefer it cooler or warmer.  Each are is supplied with a thermostat (not connected, of course) for folks to adjust to their preference.  Fans and quilts are also provided upon request.
  5. Casual areas for people who prefer to come in the sleep pants or hunting outfit or bathrobe or beach wear, behind one way glass so that those who dress up do not have to view those who dress down.
  6. Latex free zones and vinyl free zones for people who do not have allergies but who would prefer not to be subjected to skin to skin touch.
  7. Solitude zones for people who prefer to sit alone, avoid the greeting of peace, and who like their own quiet time with Jesus.
  8. Sound zones that allow the people to turn down the volume a bit on the pastor, choir, or organist.
  9. Special communion ques for those who prefer gluten free, low gluten, whole wheat, white, thick or thin hosts and red, white, sweet, dry, low alcohol, vintage or box wines or grape juice (red, white, and carbonated choices there, of course).
We are exploring even more ways to be welcoming, sensitive, and responsive to the wants, needs, preferences and desires of our people.  Can you suggest even more?

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