Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Survival of the Tannenberg Pipe Organs. . .

Throughout his career, David Tannenberg was well-regarded as an organ builder and was in high demand throughout the German-speaking communities to provide organs for their churches. His instruments were the largest and most complete in all of America at the time, and by 1830, many Moravian, Lutheran, and German Reformed churches housed organs made by Tannenberg or one of the other Pennsylvania-German organ builders. This resulted in the first German organ culture unique in the New World. Today, Tannenberg is widely regarded as one of America's greatest organ builders, and indeed, his work could be considered to be comparable to some of the greatest organ builders of that time in Europe. Although only nine of his organs survive today, his special lieblich style has survived in these instruments for us to enjoy. Today, eight of these nine organs either remained in or were restored to their original condition, and the remaining instrument in York has been partially restored, and will be completed in the next few years. 

READ ON HERE with photos and musical files to hear these amazing instruments from this amazing builder!

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