Saturday, May 4, 2024

Boggles the mind. . .

I read this and put it aside because I could not wrap my head around the size and scope of it all.  Maybe you can comprehend it all.

The debt load of the U.S. is growing at a quicker clip in recent months, increasing about $1 trillion nearly every 100 days.

The nation’s debt permanently crossed over to $34 trillion on Jan. 4, after briefly crossing the mark on Dec. 29, according to data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It reached $33 trillion on Sept. 15, 2023, and $32 trillion on June 15, 2023, hitting this accelerated pace. Before that, the $1 trillion move higher from $31 trillion took about eight months.

How much is a trillion dollars?   If you were to spend $1 million every day, it would take approximately 2700 years to spend one trillion dollars.  A trillion is a million million for both American and modern British English definitions. A trillion dollars is a million dollars multiplied by a million. Or if you prefer, a thousand billion. It has 12 zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000. Makes your eyes cross, doesn't it?  A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.  If $1 million in $100 dollar bills stacks up to 40 inches (3.3 feet: kind of underwhelming to look at, really!), and $1 billion is 40,000 inches (that's 0.63 miles high: much more impressive!), $1 trillion in $100 dollar bills is 40,000,000 inches high, which is 631 miles. On an average annual income of around $50,000, saving a trillion bucks (with no expenditures) would take 20,000,000 years.

Oddly enough, there are people who think that God is not real because you cannot understand Him.  Gosh, how do understand a trillion dollars?  Does that mean it is not real, either?

1 comment:

  1. The Terabuck spending by the Demonicrat kakistocracy (and their RINOcrat accomplices) will destroy the economy of the United States, allow the Demonicrats to declare martial law, and give them the opportunity to complete their socialist control of the economy. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, including the freedom of religion, will be abrogated.
