Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The threat of debt. . .

I saw this and had nothing to say.  It is mind boggling, to say the least.  I wish there was some way to put this into perspective.  Without that, it is but a statistic without much to communicate except the threat itself.

How did we get here?  What will it mean for the shape of our lives?  Is it possible to turn this around?

I guess the Psalmist was spot on in telling us not to put our trust in earthly rulers or kingdoms.  That said, the worst thing that probably could happen is nothing because then we will go on trying to be the masters of our own destiny while finding it impossible to exercise a modicum of self-control.

As much as I lament this for us, I lament it even more for those who come after us.  We have not been very faithful stewards and, as Scripture reminds us, the very mark of stewardship and its success is faithfulness.  Lord, help us.

1 comment:

  1. "How did we get here?"

    From treason, primarily by one political party, but significantly aided and abetted by the other main political party... along with the voters who keep electing these traitors to office in exchange for lying promises of "free" stuff.

    To aid in that traitorous cause, the educational system has been dumbed down to the point where D.I.E. overrides all standards of merit. Morality has been negated by demonic politicians and judges who create delusional "rights" to commit murder and every other violation of Christian teaching and behavior.

    The mainstream [ene]media has long ago joined these acts of treason by replacing journalism with their woketardian newspeak propaganda.

    And should any individual stand up and oppose such treasonous evil, that person will be subjected to a concerted lawfare attack by corrupt lawyers and judges designed to destroy or imprison him, and to serve as a warning to anyone else who tries to oppose this monstrosity of treason.

    As for Christian leaders, those in the pews will only hear sounds of silence while waiting for imprecatory prayers to rise up to the only One who can bring about change.
