Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The mind of justice is polluted. . .

By now you probably already know that efforts to remove cell phones from schools and to remove some of the risks of social media for the protection of our children have met with resistance and opposition from many quarters.  What you may not know is that the opposition has come also from judges to whom the questions have been place either in lawsuits or appeals.  The position of those who should be the most reasonable of the reasoned is shocking.  Over three current cases, the positions of the judges taken together has been not simply elitist but anti the role of parents and others charged with the protection of children.

Consider this.  Take a look at the three rulings to date and you find the following measures have been found to violate the First Amendment right to freedom of speech:

  1. age verification, 
  2. age estimation, 
  3. parental consent, 
  4. filing Data Protection Impact Assessments, 
  5. prohibiting the collection and sale of children’s personal information, 
  6. prioritizing content for the well-being of minors, 
  7. mandating high-default privacy settings for children, 
  8. making prominent and understandable terms of service, 
  9. requiring companies to enforce their own privacy policies, 
  10. blocking knowingly harmful uses of children’s data, 
  11. forbidding covered companies from profiling child users, 
  12. prohibiting the unauthorized use of children’s personal information, 
  13. guarding underage users from being manipulated by so-called “dark patterns” (i.e., nudging children toward certain content via subliminal techniques), etc.. 
Apparently only the children have rights and the parents duty to protect their children is subject to those rights.  Curious, though, is that the government does limit the rights of children to purchase alcohol and tobacco, vaping and drug paraphernalia, get tattoos or piercings, etc...  Of course, we should all breathe a sigh of relief that sacred is the child's right to purchase contraceptive devices and get an abortion.  If you are reading this and feel like our courts have our children's best interests at heart, you have a very different value system than I do.  Christians need to awaken to the fact that the role of the government is to increase the ability of children to do as they see fit and to reduce the role of the parents to exercise even the most common of judgments in their protection.  And I have not even begun to talk about gender.  That is another chapter in this big book of government intrusion into the home and family.


  1. "Over three current cases, the positions of the judges taken together has been not simply elitist but anti the role of parents and others charged with the protection of children."

    What specific cases (links?) are you referring to?

  2. The student cell phone cases I've seen appear to be concerned more with the Fourth Amendment and the school confiscation and downloading of phone contents.without warrants.
