Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Spirit doing a new thing. . .

Among some it is avant garde to suggest that anything and everything old (read that Old Testament) is being replaced by something new by the Holy Spirit.  It is, after all, the Spirit who teaches old men to dream new dreams and young men to see visions of what might be.  Or so you might be led to believe.  In reality, the old things that some point to as being the nasty patriarchal stuff of the Old Testament are in reality not what they claim and the new things of the Spirit are not quite what they think as well.

Your interpretation of the pages of Holy Writ is wrong, narrow-minded, bound by patriarchal culture from the 1st through 19th centuries. If the early church had been so closed to the Spirit's work, we wouldn't have had Samaritan believers or a eunuch believing or Gentile believers. The OT tradition spoke against all those. The Spirit did not. 

Really?  The whole promise of the Old Testament was not to Jews only but to the nations, tribes, and clans and families outside Israel.  Indeed, there is nothing new about  the Samaritans or the Ethiopian eunuch believing or Gentiles being received into the company of the faithful.  This was not something new but God's age-old plan corrupted by a Jewish exclusivism and restored in Christ.  

The Spirit doing a new things is really doing something not so new at all but currently not in vogue.  For example, the Spirit brings to mind all that Jesus taught (which itself was all that the Father had made known to Him).  The Spirit does not really complete or contradict the Old Testament or the New.  The Spirit is the one who opens the Scriptures so that we may know and see and believe.  The wider net of the Gospel was never exclusive to Jews but from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth.  

Quite honestly, I am sick and tired of aging folk from my generation trying to insist that the Church has suffered under the weight of nineteen centuries of patriarchalism, misogyny, homophobia, etc...  The Church has suffered more the weight of liberals who insist upon boring us with their imagined ideas that have no support in Scripture or tradition but which are paraded out as testament to what the Spirit is doing among us -- the new stuff.  There is nothing so stuffy as a liberal who has sucked all the air out of the room with words that mean nothing and opinions that contradict Scripture.  The Church must suffer the boring epithets of those outside the kingdom who presume to tell us what we ought to believe and those who have co-opted the kingdom from God and His Word and the living tradition of the faithful but we dare not allow them to go unchallenged.  The new thing the Spirit is sent to do is plant faith into the dead earth of our sinful hearts through the means of grace.  If He does that, He has done enough for us all.

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