Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just An Observation

The health insurance debate has as its goal the coverage of all Americans... except those still in the womb. I am not going to turn this into a political blog, but it makes you wonder... Why is it that the only ones we will not cover or protect are those who have no voice to speak for themselves? When mentioning this to a friend, he responded that I was factually wrong. Those in the womb will be covered for those who want them, and for those who don't want them, they will be covered under the end of life coverage that may also eventually include quick exits for others considered expendable. Well, that is as political as I will get here... but somebody needs to be speaking for those who have gotten lost in the discussion...

1 comment:

  1. You make a very good point. Few people think about the road that our society is heading down and fail to realize that it is only going to get worse. While the thought that insurance companies would cover such expenses sickens me the truth is that the day is comming closer to when it will become a reality if no one says anything about it.
