Sunday, February 20, 2011

And I Thought I Was Doing So Well...

Tonight I looked at my blog and the post I had made from this morning is no where to be found.  So much for the wonders of technology.  I thought I was doing so well, too.  Now, if only I had a roadmap into the obilvion that is cyberspace so I could retrieve my now lost words.  Oh, well...

Perhaps this is more than a techno blip.  Perhaps this is a moment of painful awareness.  Perhaps this is a mirror of my own failings.  Perhaps this is an opportunity to hear the Gospel.  Well, if it were, then I might be able to hear some sort of vaccuous expression of support that would try to tell me that my failing was not so bad, not so bad at all.  I might be comforted by the fact that many other bloggers have also found themselves victims of this original sin.  I might also be encouraged to admit that I am not as good as I thought I was so that I might also be comforted that I am not as bad as I thought I was.  Either way, I might feel better about it all and chalk it up to a learning experience and pray that it would never happen again, even though I know it probably will, so that when it does I might be told again, "been there, done that, could be better, not so bad, probably happen again." And then this not so private admission might result in a not so specific consolation parading as an absolution.  And then, well, I just might have been in church somewhere in America this morning...

Nahhhh, it was just a glitch.  Nothing really to confess and no need for absolution.  It was just a glitch, a bump in the road.  I thought I was doing so well. then I found out I wasn't, but life goes on...  You know that this blogging stuff may cause you to take things way too seriously.  So, let's just act like nothing really happened... because, well, it really didn't.  Okay?  Good, that makes me feel so much better!  All I can is "Amen."

1 comment:

  1. don't know if this will get through but a similar thing happened to me yesterday. I wrote a comment to your piece on program and it went somewhere into space never to be seen again. This is a test.
    Elsa Quanbeck
