Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Seward2011.Org A Worship Conference for YOU...

In order to continue equipping and resourcing pastors and church musicians on worship-related topics, St. John Lutheran Church and Concordia University, Nebraska, will be co-hosting a conference in summer 2011. Sing His Praise, His Love Declare is a three-day event that will include sessions for pastors and musicians, both the professional church musicians and those without extensive training or experience.

You might recognize one of the presenters.... shameless plug!


Dr. Carlos Messerli & Paul Bouman  River Forest, Illinois
Rev. Charles Blanco Concordia University, Nebraska
Dr. Jeffrey Blersch Concordia University, Nebraska
Organ workshops and reading sessions & Effective hymn leadership
Dr. Elizabeth Grimpo Concordia University, Nebraska
Piano literature for the parish musician
Rev. Terence Groth Concordia University, Nebraska
Dr. David Held Professor Emeritus, Concordia University, Nebraska
Dr. Joseph Herl Concordia University, Nebraska
Rev. Dr. Paul Holtorf Concordia University, Nebraska
Deaconess Pamela Nielsen Senior editor for Sunday school, youth, & family materials, CPH
Rev. Larry Peters Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church, Clarksville, Tennessee
Professor Pete Prochnow Concordia University, Nebraska Lead sheet notation / Piano adaptations
Mrs. Kathy Rausch Calvary Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA
Teaching children to sing beautifully with hymns and liturgy
Rev. Dirk Reek Concordia University, Nebraska
Rev. Mark Rockenbach Executive for Church Worker Health, LCMS Nebraska District
Pastor and church musician relationships
Rev. Dr. Leon Rosenthal Christ Lutheran Church, Norfolk, Nebraska
Mr. Don Rotermund Minister of Music Emeritus, Zion Lutheran Church and School, Dallas, Texas
Professor Andrew Schultz Concordia University, Nebraska
Involving beginning brass players in worship
Working with Finale music notation software
Mr. Paul Soulek Director of Parish and School Music, St. John Lutheran Church, Seward, Nebraska
Rev. Dr. Dien Taylor Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Bronx, New York
Dr. Kurt von Kampen Concordia University, Nebraska Choral workshops and reading sessions
Improving tone in the church choir
Betsy Werner St. John Lutheran School, Seward, Nebraska
Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller Pastor, Hope Lutheran Church, Aurora, Colorado
Author of Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian (CPH)

Registration Information

Online Registration: Early promotional materials mentioned that online registration would be available February 1st. In order to gather session and seminar information from presenters, this date has been moved back to mid-to-late February 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Registration Fee is $95 and covers all conference sessions as well as the banquet on Thursday evening. (See below for conference foodservice options.) One-day registration is available for those not able to attend the entire conference. The one-day registration fee of $50 covers sessions on a given day as well as meals.
Housing is available on-campus at Concordia University, Nebraska. Housing options on the University campus are within walking distance to all conference events. All Concordia housing options are air-conditioned. Rates are $30 per person (single occupancy) and $15 per person (double occupancy). Both standard dorm (shared bathroom per floor) or suite style (shared bathroom per 2 rooms) options are available. Other housing options in Seward include the East Hill Motel, Super 8, and the Liberty House. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the Super 8 and East Hill Motel. Mention the “Seward Worship Conference” to receive the special conference rate.
Meal plans are available to conference participants. The meal plan cost of $32 includes meals beginning with breakfast on Wednesday and ending with lunch on Friday. Continental breakfast is served at St. John Lutheran Church in the fellowship hall; lunch and dinner are served at Concordia University’s Janzow Campus Center dining hall. The catered Thursday evening banquet will be held in the St. John Lutheran Church fellowship hall; cost of the banquet is included in the basic registration fee.
Transportation to Seward from Lincoln and Omaha airports will be available. Specific information will be included at a later date.
Online registration and credit card payment will be available in February 2011. If you need a printed registration form, please contact the St. John church office at 402.643.2983 or e-mail info@seward2011.org.

1 comment:

  1. I know it is a ways off to remember but if you should happen to think of it... tell Leon Rosenthal, we knew each other in Chicago days, he was AELC with me and then went back to LCMS. Good guy. Harvey Mozolak
