Thursday, November 17, 2011

Josephine's coat of many colors...

Or, how to take vestments designed to minimize the person and direct attention to the Christ whom the office represents and, well, minimize Christ and direct the attention to the current officeholder...  She just as well might be outfitted for an evening on the town with gown and glitz...


  1. Rev. Allen BergstrazerNovember 17, 2011 at 8:38 AM

    The lady in the polyester quilt and the official state of Arizona mitre is Marianne Edgar Bude of Washington DC. Who was ordained by none other than Bishop Spong. And her fashion statement wasn't the worst of it. The installation service had many mis-steps, odd multicultural moments, a pipe organ in the throes of death, meaningless tripe, and the ubiquitous bit of incongruent poetry topped off by a confused and flustered Bude, who couldn't get names the names of the people she wished to thank for her coronation.

  2. A burlesque of the apostolic succession. Profane buffoonery.

  3. A pair of shoes to go with the Priestess of Pigment's vestments (say those words five times fast)

  4. BTW Rev. Bergstrazer, I think that's New Mexico mitre.

  5. I would actually buy and wear those shoes if they weren't $100. Maybe I will wait till they go on sale, for like $60.

  6. Rev. Allen BergstrazerNovember 17, 2011 at 1:44 PM

    Janis, I stand corrected :) the Episcopal church has become a caricature of itself, no parody or satirization could equal what they regularly do to themselves.

  7. What's worse is that someone actually thinks that these vestments are "tasteful." Blech.

  8. Right, Rev. Bergstrazer. It's so sad when, as Chris Rosebrough says, "The Church parodies itself."

    Rome 'unChurched' itself at Trent. Modern Episcopalianism (and Evangelicalism) has denied the Gospel by ignoring rather than anathematizing it.

  9. Rev. Allen BergstrazerNovember 19, 2011 at 9:04 AM

    Chesterton described caricature as making a pig look more like a pig than even the Lord intended. It appears that the hierarchy of the Episopal church are preoccupied with making their church look more apostate than even the devil intended.

  10. Forgot that quote! Great: making a pig look more like a pig than even the Lord intended... Remind me again from whence it comes.
