Sunday, December 25, 2011

The services of the Holy Day are done...

Well, my aching body and dull senses have told me what I already know... the seasons of the Holy Day are done.  Two full Divine Services on Christmas Even and one full Divine Service on Christmas Eve plus a Friday wedding and a baptism coming up -- and I am tired.  I have a full belly, some achy joints, and the mind  is frozen -- all locked up on lyrics from Christmas anthems, hymns, carols, etc....

We had an atypical Christmas.  First of all, the services of Christmas Eve were largely attended by inactives, new folks, and out of town guests.  It was just plain weird.  So many of our regulars were on the road due to the timing of Christmas over a weekend.  Christmas Day was mostly regulars (as expected).  The sermon was designed for those for whom the Mass is not familiar territory and for whom the Gospel is not automatically recognizable.  Which turned out to be a good move.

We opened our presents, ate our fill, and are now vegging out.  Times like these make me think of those many who follow my meandering pastoral thoughts, who comment or not, and who have told me how much they appreciate my blog.  So let me turn the tables and let you know how much I appreciate you.  This little hobby has become a chance to think out loud with a couple of thousand folks listening in, calling me down when I flub and encouraging me when I get it close to being right.

Have a blessed day, a blessed 12 days of Christmas, and keep reading... and I will keep writing, FWIW.... God bless you every one!


  1. Fr. Peters,
    No sir! Thank-you!!! Your blog is my absolute favorite among a blogsphere of great confessional Lutheran blogs. You are a joy to read and great eddification. A Blessed Christmas Season to you and your flock.

  2. I don't comment often, but I read your blog daily. Thank you! And a blessed Christmas to you -- all twelve days of Christmas.

  3. Fr. Peters,

    You well know I leave my inadequate remarks here quite often. You cannot know how grateful I am for your mind. Your candor and willingness to lay bare your wits to the arbalests of commentary are nothing less than courageous.

    More than all that, you are my pastor, my father, my confessor, and shepherd. God bless you for that costly gift.

  4. Thank you too Fr. Peters. I don't comment often but deeply appreciate your "meanderings". They help my "musings".

