Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There is still time. . .

The Lutheran Summer Music program for 2012 still has room for players!  Hurry up and get your application in for this life changing experience.

To find out more, download the brochure here.

LSM 2012 at a Glance
WHO: 150+ band, orchestra, choir, piano and organ students completing grades 8-12 from the U.S. and abroad; 36 faculty artists from the best college music departments and professional ensembles; a team of dedicated counselors and staff.
WHAT: A four-week residential training and performance program rooted in a supportive, intentional community that is committed to your personal and musical success.
WHERE: Luther College is located three hours southeast of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in beautiful Decorah, Iowa.
WHEN: June 24 to July 22, 2012
WHY: If you're a young musician who loves music and is looking for focused but fun way to spend your summer, LSM is for you. You'll make some of the best friends of your life while improving your music skills, exploring your faith, and learning about the rich musical heritage of the Lutheran church.
  • "LSM has given me what I have always wanted: more friends, more respect and enjoyment. It’s the only place where I could show my true self and faith. I am so proud of being at LSM."*
  • "Once I open myself up through music, I open myself up to new people and experiences."*
  • "Before LSM, I didn’t realize how much music and God intertwine in my life. It has been a fantastic realization for my life. I thank God for my gifts."*
  • "Awesome! I’ve never had better friends. It’s amazing how quickly tight relationships form in four short weeks."*
  • "At LSM I discovered the person that I want to be."*
  • "I adore every faculty member and their excitement in helping us grow as musicians. I leave every choir rehearsal more energized than I was before."*
  • "I honestly never felt so welcomed in a place/community like this before. I made friends that I know I will never forget. Everything seemed too perfect. This experience has been great and I’d love to do it all over again."*
  • "I learned that I want to be a church musician when I grow up. The church needs musicians to make worship meaningful, and I would like to make a spiritual difference in someone’s life."*
  • "LSM has helped me see my life with music at the core, and now I wouldn’t have it any other way."*
  • "I learned how fast I can grow better as a musician surrounded by an environment of other serious kids. The band at my school would have taken years to do what we did in a month."*
*Unedited outtakes from our 2010 Student Surveys

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