Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why Kids Are Leaving the Church. . .

Here are some reasons, explicated, that might shed some light on the vanishing youth in our churches...   I highly recommend this post which was forwarded to me by a member.

In Summary:

10.  The Church is 'Relevant'
9.    They never actually attended church to begin with
8.    They get smart
7.    We sent them out unarmed
6.    We gave them hand me downs
5.    Community
4.    They found better feelings
3.    They got tired of pretending
2.    They know the truth
1.    They don't need it

I put these up to pique your interest so that you will go and read the whole post over at marc5solas.

HT to Jan Williams


  1. I'm a Lifelong Lutheran, But...

  2. I love it! Does anyone know how the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus plans to keep its new converts?

  3. go to this link and you will find all the solution to your writing relevant problems.
