Monday, October 7, 2013

Give Blood. . . Give Often. . . Give Now. . .

In the past ten days I have made 27 hospital calls, 3 shut in calls, and 2 calls to those recuperating at home... in addition to 2 funerals. . .

Yesterday we had a blood drive in our congregation.  The Red Cross parked the Bloodmobile in the parking lot just outside the main entry.  We had people signed up to give.  We made the minimum goal, but only barely.

Thanks to those in Grace Lutheran Church who came to give.  From a church body that was the first to make a massive mailing of organ donor cards, I call all of you to consider giving blood.  We might have more but so many of our congregation are soldiers and families who have lived abroad and cannot give.  We have some folks who have literally given gallons over a long life and history of giving blood.  We need to take up the cause and raise the bar.  Giving blood is good stewardship, for all ages.  So... find the hero in you... it is a small sacrifice that does so much good. 

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