Friday, January 10, 2014

I can't vote for him but I wish I could. . .

I grew up in Nebraska.  I am still a Nebraskan at heart.  I bleed when the Huskers go down to defeat.  I long for the one finger wave (no, not that finger), and for a small town culture in which your neighbor is your family.  My mom and dad still live there.  Going on 87, Dad still goes to work at 7 am to the store he has owned about as long as I have been alive.  My brother is a volunteer fireman, paramedic, church worker, and town historian (his hobby).  My middle child lives in Norfolk where he is an assistant manager of Hy-Vee East.  I love Nebraska.  I was baptized at Golgotha Lutheran Church on a hill miles outside of any town, the place where my grandfather and father and my oldest son were also baptized.  There is something that touches my heart when I see a white clapboard church building sitting alone, surrounded only by cornfields.

So when Gene Veith posted this video commercial from Ben Sasse (born 27 miles away from my hometown), my interest was piqued.  His campaign theme:  Move the Capital of the US to Nebraska -- no, not necessarily the building but the mindset and heart.  I can't vote for him but gosh darn I wish I could vote for this fellow Lutheran.  And I would actually like to see the Capital moved to Nebraska (maybe leaving some of the bureaucrats back behind to fix the mess that is DC.  You watch and tell me you don't think it is a good idea, too!

1 comment:

  1. Any one who would bring the District of Corruption (DC) into their own community is immediately suspect. Why would he want to contaminate his home area?

    The way to treat DC, in my opinion, is to wall it off, being careful to contain within it all the thoroughly corrupt/contaminated current residents, no matter where they originated. Then set fire to the whole thing, and hope for a purifying effect from the fire. (This is not unlike what I think will happen in God's Judgement.)

    Fr. D+
    Anglican Priest
