Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Birth may not protect the life of the infant. . .

A trend seen by prolife activists that frequently engage college students on campuses nationwide is the growing acceptance of post-birth abortion, or killing the infant after he or she is born, campus prolife outreach leaders tell The College Fix.

Read it all here. . .  And watch this. . .

Many have warned for a long time that the line of respect for life is not certain but shifts from time to time.  We have seen in the last forty years the growing acceptance of abortion as a cost worth paying to make sure that children are wanted and valued appropriately.  So deeply has this been ingrained in American culture that female politicians have begun to defend and speak positively of their morality of their choice to end the lives within their wombs as the most humane, compassionate, and loving thing they could have done.

So it was probably easily predictable that the line would move.  It seems to be moving from the womb to children.  Already in 1979 Peter Singer suggested that “human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons … [therefore] the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”

While we are not now in danger of laws which would allow children to be discarded as if they had some sort of expiration date, would have foreseen more than 40 years ago that abortion would have become so entrenched as a woman's exclusive right and domain over her body?  I say this less to alarm people of the immanent danger of such becoming a large threat but so illustrate that when a line moves, no one can control or even predict where it will move.  Now we live in a time in which violence is condemned throughout society and yet we fail to see any violence in the destruction of the life in the womb, perhaps the life of a very young child, or the lives of those no longer able to care for themselves or contribute anything to society (the aged and infirm).  The same people who champion the removal of guns from American homes kneel at the altar of choice and champion a means of killing that annually takes far more American lives than any other cause -- abortion!  Could abortion soon be joined by legalized infanticide?


  1. Christian (including Lutheran) citizens need to publicly acknowledge that abortion is wrong because it is murder on a legalized genocidal scale and demand the political, judicial, medical, religious, and business abortion leaders be brought to justice for murder, crimes against humanity, and treason.

    Until then the pro-life opposition to abortion and the post-birth extension of infanticide becomes simply a personal social preference, like the opposition to wearing the wrong color of socks.

  2. Now Carl....you know that nobody in the political, judicial, religious, or business of abortion will be tried for murder and genocide, but maybe we can keep the pressure on to eventually legislate it out of existence. Too many people, not only here, but also abroad favor abortion for convenience of the mother, and 93 percent of abortions are done for this reason....and yes I agree....it is willful murder. In the end, God will judge, and His judgement on our land could come at any moment....as the cries of the unborn victims have reached Heaven already.
