Sunday, November 8, 2015

Interesting words for those considering the shape and adornment of a church building. . .

Architectural historian Denis McNamara of the Liturgical Institute in Mundelein has put together a series of some 10 installments of a conversation about liturgical architecture -- understanding how the building reflects a right relationship with God.  Living in an age when the strange and ugly even vile and blasphemous are considered great art, we have more than a mere discussion of architecture here.  In fact, we have a thoroughly invigorating presentation of the interplay between what we see with our eyes and what the Church believes, confesses, and teaches before the world. If you have driven by or happen to sit in one of those buildings that screams something other than the message of the Gospel in form and art, then this is a good lesson for you about the parallel between the visual shape and adornment of the church building and what goes on inside.

A Roman Catholic, McNamara speaks from the vantage point of his church but it is a worthwhile excursus into this topic for people of any liturgical tradition.  He introduces the idea of the theology of form for architecture by which the church building becomes a symbol of the mystical body of Christ telling us that the church manifests the Church in material form and in microcosm, He calls it a “sacramental theology” of architecture.

Here is the YouTube channel of the Liturgical Institute in Mundelein where you can watch the videos or you can begin here:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent food for thought on this subject. I'd like to hear him expound more on the OT tabernacle/temple architecture.
