Thursday, September 6, 2018

What church am I in?

That was the question a blog reader sent to me after actually attending this mass.  It would be the logical question of anyone watching the video.  It is even the question of the preacher who is preaching.

No, it is not the culture that is the issue but the way the mass disappears in the face of a priest who is determined to be the central focus of everything and the way he has placed fast and loose with the liturgical form. . . and then there is the content.  Hmmmmmmm.

Would it surprise you that he has been a star in the Chicago Archdiocese since coming to St. Sabina's since 1981 but no more so than today under Cardinal Cupich.  Dr. (honorary) Pfleger's biography says a great deal about him.  Read it here.

And if someone were so inclined to swim the Tiber, you would find that all is not well on the other side and that the sins and errors of many church bodies are mirrored with episcopal sanction in Rome as well.

When Your Back is Against the Wall from St. Sabina Video on Vimeo.

from St. Sabina Video on Vimeo.


  1. Poor attempt at trying to be black - like the Clintons.

  2. Without the Church, all things are permissible.

  3. White priest pretending to Black pastor. Yuck.

  4. Where's the complaint today from the dead guy Vehse?

  5. None today, Captain Anonymous, but hey, just make something up if you'll feel better.

  6. Mr. Vehse, Captain Anonymous usually appreciates your insights.

  7. According to the video, it appears some Roman Catholics are working on a feeder program with the non-denominational church down the street. Please have patience while this RC congregation slowly hemorrhages members.....

  8. Swimming the Bosphorus would prevent this.
