Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Apparently God Did Not Get the Memo

All the dust and ash problems from Iceland’s errant volcano remind us that for all the pollution and particulate we send into the atmosphere, it takes only one “act of God” to create a situation that wrecks havoc upon our commerce, travel, and safety.  We have been told for so long that we are the culprits in nearly everything that goes wrong with the earth and its ecological health, that it comes as no small surprise that God did not get our memo and thus is ultimately responsible for allowing or causing such a dirty adjustment to our atmosphere, culture, and accessibility.  Someone should have told Him that we are not doing that kind of indiscriminate pollution anymore and certainly not without a permit.  God will have to wait in line with all the other polluters to gain permission from the powers that be to introduce such harmful particulate into the atmosphere and will have to post a bond for clean up and for the ancillary other costs of such a work stoppage created by an ash cloud out of control.  Clean up your ash, God, and don’t ever do it again. Signed, the Green Police who are protecting your world from those who treat it without respect...


William Childress said...

You have offended a myriad of tree huggers.

Dr.D said...

I'm sure Al Gore is having a fit about this. He will probably stop going to Church on account of it.