Sunday, May 22, 2011

If you really want to see Jesus...

As the good brother Tibbetts put it, if you really want to see Jesus come to [Grace Lutheran Church] at 8:15 and 10:45 am Sunday and you will find the Lord where He has promised to be -- in the Word that completes its promise and bestows forgiveness, calls us to faith, and enables repentance.... AND in the Sacraments that bestow grace hidden in earthly forms (water that drowns and gives birth, bread that is His body, and wine that is His blood)...

As much as we are interested or curious or even fascinated by the end times, the present times are the domain in which we live and in which Christ comes as He has pledged to.  Here He gives His Spirit from the Father to give us faith to grasp hold and never let go what He has given us graciously and without any merit on our part.  Here is the Word that convicts stubborn sinful hearts and here is the Word that offers the healing balm of the cross to our wounds of sin and guilt and death.  Here, every Sunday, for all who will come, He will be there...  See you later this morning???

1 comment:

Janis Williams said...

I commented the other day about a "rolling rapture." This didn't occur.

Today, however (and yesterday in some parts of the world), there was a rolling Gottesdienst - God serving the real Church.