Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baptists Elect Luteran President...

NEW ORLEANS (RNS) Pointing heavenward and wiping away tears, the Rev. Fred Luter was elected Tuesday (June 19) as the first black president of the predominantly white Southern Baptist Convention.

I guess he is the first of the Luterans to be elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention... we have no word yet on whether this might effect a change of status for the Augsburg Confession with respect to this denomination... wait and see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many blacks will convert to the Baptist faith under the leadership of Pastor Luter. Are the Southern Baptists struggling to return to their roots? Is Pastor Luter the "Matt Harrison" of the SBC?

How much interest is there in confessional Lutheranism among Lutherans and non-Lutherans as a result of the efforts of Pastor Harrison?