Thursday, September 24, 2015

Real Men Love Babies. . .

An honest, sometimes irreverent look at men, husbands, and dads. . .

Let me whet your appetite. . .

When my son was born, my old life died. I had to get a “real job.” My record collection collected dust, the books on the bottom of my bookshelves were boxed, my cupboards were childproofed, and my cool apartment slowly morphed into a nursery. My wife became his mother. My library became his bedroom. My free time became baby time. My extra cash became the diaper and clothing fund. Even my sleep went the way of the buffalo…

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade fatherhood for a thousand bachelor pads. But now I better understand why babies can be so scary: babies threaten a man’s other ambitions. A guy with a baby is forced to be responsible in a way that his friends do not. He can’t just drop everything and run to the nearest happy hour or sailboat, or risk his life in heroic quests, or get lost in distraction after distraction. He is now responsible for one woman and their children.

Read the Catholic Gentleman and see if it isn't some of the best, most honest, stuff you have ever read about guys, the prospect of growing up, the fear of commitment, and the joy that ends up coming from being husband, father, and responsible person...  It is GOOD stuff. . .

1 comment:

ErnestO said...

The gift of a child combines simultaneously a renewed understanding of what it takes to be a man of faith and the need for prayer.