Monday, November 23, 2020

Some clarity and hope for a Lutheran university. . .

As we all know, the Lutheran university is facing a host of challenges -- indeed the very idea of a Christian university is under assault.  We are facing the demise of such schools due to their indistinguishable identity from secular institutions, the press of culture to define what is taught, learned, tolerated, and approved on our campuses, and the financial cost of such schools.  I have written often about this challenge.  I point you to one refreshing bit of candor from the new President of Concordia University Chicago and some hope for the goal of recapturing the whole idea of a Lutheran university.



1 comment:

Paulus said...

Uplifting and encouraging words from Dr. Day. I particularly liked his comment, "While we strive to understand our world as it is we also acknowledge that it's God's world discernable by our reason, but ordered by His revelation". This describes a healthy balance between human reason and Divine order. Maintaining this balance requires constant awareness of the tendency of secularism to invade the "batter" of Christ-centered academia.