Saturday, June 8, 2024

Follow the science... except

Follow the science, goes the rant, except when the science refuses to go where you want it to go.  That in a nutshell describes the blatant politicization of the transgender movement especially with regard to children.  For years now the science has been ignored as the crass political motivation has pushed upon us everything from puberty blockers to radical surgery to correct what is not a physiological problem but a psychological one.  While Americans are locked in a political battle about how to deal with gender dysphoria, the rest of the world has paid at least some attention to the science and decided that the radical solutions offered here are the wrong ones.

Now a final report of a major study in Britain has pushed back even harder on what routinely passes for American medical responses to children who appear to be transgender.  You can read it all here.  The report calls into question those life altering decisions that parents and government seem to be pushing on the parents of and the children who question their gender.  At some point in time it will come to light that the radical measures of puberty blockers and early transitioning along with surgical remedies will be seen for what they are -- child abuse!  

For some who identified as transgender, it is too late.  Their sexual organs are gone and their chance to deal with this issue as an adult were taken from them by people who treated a medical issue and a psychological disorder as if it were a political event.  Adolescents are not in a position to give definitive direction to their future and the role of the parents is not to decide for those who cannot.  Good grief, we refuse to let adolescents sign legal contracts, drive, purchase cigarettes or alcohol, vape, marry, or work without restriction but somebody has decided that they are perfectly capable of deciding a life-altering choice and the role of science, religion, family, and friends is solely to cheer them on.  

Why is it we in America have rushed in where fools do not dare to go?  There can only be one explanation.  We do not want to follow the science but have used science to support and further political and cultural values and decisions.  It was true during Covid and it is even more true in the realm of gender identity.  We dance around words that have meaning and prefer to create words that have none in order to foster and encourage what is real only in the realm of feelings, temporary feelings which should not and cannot be trusted.  Science always knew there was no such thing as potential child and knew the baby in the womb was the same person as the one born.  We did not listen then but treated the child as if it were a foreign object or a personal choice and it has created a mountain of death and grief for us and our nation.  Now we refuse to listen to the science in gender identity and are poised to close our ears to reason as well as fact and create another mountain of pain and suffering.

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