Monday, July 8, 2024

A little venture now a teenager. . .

I began this little blog fifteen years ago today.  It started with these words:

I remember someone telling me once that thinking is a dangerous occupation. Perhaps. I find myself thinking a lot. While driving down the road, after reading a few lines from a book or a blog, while waiting in a phone que. Some of those thoughts are best forgotten. Some of them worth remembering. A few of them worth sharing. So I am going to take a few moments to share some of my random thoughts in a meandering conversation. It is my prayerful hope that they will spur on your own reflective thinking. Don't expect something profound. Occasionally I hope to say something worth remembering. If the regular duties of a Parish Pastor are urgent, you may not hear much from me. But I will try to give it a few minutes a week. Anyway, here it goes!

It is grown into a hobby all the while blogging has gone into decline.  Some 6.5 Million folks have visited this site (at least with a formal counter).  I have no idea how many pass long or repost what I have written here but I suspect it would surprise me.   A few have remained through it all and many others have come and gone.  I am not sure why it all kept going.  Perhaps I just have a lot to say or at least I think I do.  There have been a few minor changes in design and I have had to moderate comments after a few folks got nasty with their words.  It has been a rather satisfying endeavor and I am sure if you read everything you would find that I have changed my mind about some things, doubled down on other things, and forgotten what I said or thought about still other things.  

I am grateful if you are reading this.  If we have never met, I consider you friendly if not a friend.  If we have it may well have been because of this little venture.  I never thought this thing would last this long but it may last a little longer.  I am still reading and thinking and we all know how dangerous that can be.  My library has been thinned out and most of it is at home now.  As I have said so often, I love what I do and do what I love -- wouldn't it be grand if we all were in that boat!  God bless you friends and join me in giving thanks to God for the gift of words.  Where would we be without them?

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