Monday, September 16, 2024

Death is the end. . .

Progressive Christianity is not simply an error or a divergence from what was and has always been believed, it is suicide.  Progressive Christianity will always result in a move away from the Scriptures, from truth and fact, and from a normative faith to one normed by the individual.  Progressive Christianity seems to find nothing sacred or immune from change or alteration.  It invites no standard more than the individual and no time more than the moment.  Because of this, it can offer nothing of substance and certainly nothing of permanence.  From the house built upon the rock that is Christ, progressive Christianity has constructed a house that sits on sand, for now, and soon will sit on nothing at all.  Because of this, it is a suicidal movement that, in the end, will always result in the repudiation of what God has said for all and for all time in favor of what someone thinks or feels or thinks or feels he has experienced in the moment.  In fact, the ease at which Protestantism has chosen to live upon the moving foundation of the moment and the autonomous individual is another signal that it is not a serious theological movement at all but whimsical and nonsensical. 

Underneath progressive Christianity is a rejection of nearly everything Scripture says.  Progressive Christianity insists that Scripture speaks with symbolic language of creation.  While that might not seem so bad to some, what it does is undercut the whole purpose of the creation account.  God made all things as they are.  Evolution steals the fearfully and wonderfully made and leaves us with an accident of nature or mutation without design or purpose but random and without any intrinsic value or worth.  Progressive  Christianity guts the miracles and leaves them as mere fables with morals designed to tell you what you must do and nothing about what God has done.  In so doing, God cannot be made more than the myth or legend that produced these stories and, if He exists at all, has a sole purpose of making you better or making the world a better place.  Progressive Christianity defines life without sin and declares death to be natural -- an essential part of the circle of life.  Then death has the victory and the life that continues either lives in the memory of those who recall the dead or in some vague, spiritual existence in which real means imagined.  Progressive Christianity finds its purpose in ridding the sins of old from bothering the freedom of people to do what they want (so long as it is currently sanctioned) and consensual.  In this view, sex is for pleasure and life is for pleasure.  Progressive Christianity finds man alien to creation and therefore pursues the reduction of man's footprint on the earth through everything from birth control to abortion to ecology.  It is suicide with a religious veneer.

Traditional and orthodox Christianity is not battling for its own survival but for the survival of man and so far we do not seem to be doing all that well in this war.  Our children have come to agree with Progressive Christianity and culture that marriage of confining, family is not worth the trouble, children (if you want them) are toys, our marriages seem to fail at a rate similar to the unchurched, and our choices seem to mirror the values and choices of those who claim no faith.  We are not vying for turf here but for the most important and noble truths Scripture can convey.  Are we the crown of God's creation as people and did the Lord actually move time and eternity to send forth His Son in the womb of the Virgin to suffer and die to redeem us from sin and death?  If this is not true, what is?  Progressive Christianity is willing to kill the faith to save it -- literally.  It is time for us to admit and warn about the stakes of life today.  We are not looking toward a better tomorrow defined by the unfettered pursuit of pleasure and a life insulated from sacrifice but a life of service in the service of the One who served us even to death on a cross.  We are not looking for a better heaven and earth but a new one in which sin and death have no place anymore.  We are not looking for freedom from responsibility or duty or work but for the freedom which will help us accept responsibility, pursue the godly vocations for which we were created, and for work that puts others and their needs (spouse, family, neighbor) above our own as Christ has already done for us.

You will find in Progressive Christianity a narrower vocabulary in which sin has become injustice and death rescued by pharma and technology and life defined by our passion less any constraint or limit.  The end result of this is death.  Progressive Christianity does not need saving because it has no sins, does not need redemption because it has made its peace with death, and does not need a heaven because they are determined to find a way to have your best life now.  Progressive Christianity is self-destructive as a movement and even more as a reason for the hope you have.  Do not listen politely or meet in dialog or speak in the same terms as Progressive Christianity.  This movement is not looking for something you need but for a hit on the dopamine and a rush of good feelings that will turn your eyes from is what really wrong.  Death is the self-appointed end for Progressive Christianity.

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