Tuesday, August 28, 2018

New Medical Specialty -- Baby Killing. . .

Apparently, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology has applied to the American Board of Medical Specialties for authorization for a medical specialty in late term abortions -- those who are without doubt viable.  In other words, this medical specialty will be in the efficient and safe killing of babies who are fairly near term.  Of course, no one would say that.  And to ensure that no one would say that, this specialty will include the training to mask what is being done and to create vague language that softens the reality and hides it from public view and comment, say, with a name like “Complex Family Planning.”  Oops.  Out of the bag.

From Briana Heldt:
“Although contraception and abortion services for healthy women may be safely provided by general OB GYN clinicians,” the application reads, “subspecialists with special knowledge and skills are necessary for advanced gestations.” What does that special knowledge include, one might ask?
According to ABOG’s application, these subspecialists will demonstrate skill in both electric and manual uterine aspiration in first-trimester abortions. Surgical abortion and feticide procedures are the target areas of competency for second-trimester abortions. “Complex Family Planning” specialists will, predictably, focus their work in “low-resource settings and with vulnerable and underserved populations.”
Furthermore, the application states that doctors wishing to become late-term abortion certified must achieve not only advanced skill in removing a baby from the womb limb by limb, but also competency in public policy and advocacy. “Fellows should be capable of being advocates and leaders in family planning and abortion.”
We live in a culture of death in which death has become normal, normal for the aged and infirm, for those who do not feel like living any longer, for those whose lives we find inconvenient (from those whose lives we do not deem worth living to those who have not yet been born).  It is an affront to a medical establishment which was once known by its prime objective of doing no harm.

At least when it comes to law, America is far from a pro-life nation and, when it comes to death, too many Christians have learned to make their peace with it.  Why it is like Jesus did not come for the sake of sin or death but simply to set us free to do what is right in our own eyes. . . oh, wait, that is the social gospel devoid of cross and empty tomb!

Part of the job of those who hold for the sacred character of life and its protection is to unmask every effort to normalize death and transform medical services into means of safe, legal, and comfortable death for those whom we have determined have either a right to die or we have a right to kill them.


Carl Vehse said...

"We live in a culture of death"

Actually, we live in a culture of murder.

In our Kingdom of the Left vocations, Chrisians should pursue a course of justice for those who promote, fund, legislate, issue favorable court opinions, and participate in the murder of unborn people of the womb.

Anonymous said...

In our Kingdom of the Right vocations, Christians should pursue a course of justice for those who promote, fund, legislate, issue favorable opinions, and encourage in the murder of unborn people of the womb

Janis Williams said...

I cannot see these specialists as having any vocation other than executioner.