Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thanks be to God!

One of the most poignant moments of the whole convention has nothing to do with resolutions or bylaws or anything of the like.  It is a heartwarming and yet difficult moment in which we remember with thanksgiving before the Lord those who had died in Christ since the last convention.

It was a longer list this year -- due both to the addition of another year on the ordinary three year cycle and to those abundance of those with existing health issues who fell asleep in the Lord during the Covid Year -- 2020.   

I am ever so thankful for the profound way that we keep the memory of those who die in Christ alive until that day when we shall join them in the life that death can never more take and enter into the blessed rest of the saints and the joyful reunion with those whom we love who have departed this life in the faith.  Thanks to any and all who contributed to this solemn moment within our common life as a church body.

This year I saw friends, mentors, classmates, and the several whose funerals I preached, bringing to the grieving family and congregation the hope and promise of the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.  One of them, David M. Ulm, was may age, my classmate, my colleague in the ministry, and my friend throughout the years.  I still wear his Eucharistic vestments from time to time, reminding me of his life on this side of glory even as by his witness he bids me on until I join him in death to everlasting life.  His was just one of the many names that caused a tear in my eyes and a lump in my throat.  I will not tell them all except to say it was at one time one of the hardest things to watch and a joyful moment knowing these church workers, their faith and faithfulness, and the future when we shall no longer be separated again.

Click HERE for the YouTube library and you will see the video posted there soon.

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