Monday, June 3, 2013

A slap in the face...

Perhaps you want me to die of unrelieved boredom while you keep on talking.  From The Bondage of the Will, pg. 244 of Luther's Works, Vol. 33

Every now and then when I feel like I need a slap in the face, I click on the Luther Insulter.   This site will pop up insults of all kinds from the hoard of good ones kept in the vaults of Luther's writings.  This one hit me today.

It makes me think.  We live in a very different world than Luther.  Ours is politically correct.  We argue rather politely -- even though some complain about the tone of political and religious speech.  In Luther's day an insult was a standard resource in debate and discussion.

So the next time you feel a little too happy, count on Luther to take you down in one fell swoop!


Dr.D said...

Would Carl Verhse take this little saying from the great Luther as an ad hominem:

Martin Luther

It seems I must have liars and villains for opponents. I am not worthy in the sight of God that a godly and honorable person should discuss these matters with me in a Christian way. This is my greatest lament.

(Carl, I may have misspelled your last name. If so, I apologize.)

Fr. D+
Anglican Priest

Carl Vehse said...

Since the "little saying" is one of many extracted from the writings of Martin Luther, which one can find on the Lutheran Insulter website, Lutheran Carl Vehse would not be taking them as a personal ad hominem.

AMMV (Anglican Mileage May Vary)