Had to share this video of Russian children mirroring what they have obviously seen and heard regularly at the Divine Liturgy. It is a testament to what children see, hear, and learn. It is a testament to faithful parenting. It is a testament faith in the heart of the home. It is an example for the rest of us. If our children are not practicing the faith like this, we may not be doing something right.
Growing up I recall many occasions when I dressed up as a pastor, got out the Hymnal 1941, and presided at the funerals of turtles, the baptism of puppies, and the Holy Communion. I like to think my parents and my home church had something to do with this and with the practicing that eventually led me to ordination. Parents, raise up your children in the ways of the church and they will have them planted deep inside of them to support and encourage their faith when it becomes a challenge...
BTW. . . did you see the hats? did you see the Eastern vestments? did you see the thurible? did you see the asperges? did you see the Gospel book? Precious indeed!
And now you hear some children singing the farewell to Alleluia. . . Latin rite of course!
Absolutely precious. Having some familiarity with the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, it's just amazing the liturgical detail these small Russian children have picked up. God bless the mother (or whoever is raising them) for her faithfulness.
It surely sends a message to all parents about taking their children to church - even those stodgy liturgical churches. Who says young children don't pay attention.
Great post!
The ear is the most amazing organ. It hears even when not "listening" and you must take extraordinary action to stop it, unlike seeing and smelling.
Young children can memorize so easily. For those who disdain rote learning, would that we had millions more children like these young Russians! If we had a problem with children spouting Liturgy, prayers, and Scripture, wouldn't it be a wonderful one????
What a charming video! I was once baby sitting my priest's little boy who was about the same age as these two boys, and he acted out sections of the Liturgy for me, complete with censing!
I noticed how much the boys pay attention to detail. The little table was transformed into an ad orientem altar. His blanket was transformed into a phelonion and the book into the Holy Gospel. Some type of swinging toy was transformed into a censer.
I could tell the boys were acting out the reading of the Gospel after the Alleluia is sung. Even the cadence of the music sounded familiar and I don't speak a word of Russian (although I know a great deal of Russian Orthodox music in English translation).
I also noticed the boys held their fingers in the XC position like a priest does when he gives a blessing.
Lastly, the part they were acting out with the little paint brushes was the anointing of the faithful that occurs at a Litia, at an all night Vigil. The priest anoints the foreheads of people with blessed oil using a tiny little brush. Then we kiss his hand after he anoints us.
This means Momma has been taking these boys to church on both Saturday night (for the Vigil) and on Sunday morning for Divine Liturgy. Way to go Momma!
I wonder what the advocates of so-called "Children's Church" and removing the kids from worship for fun and games would have to say about this?
Growing up as a Roman Catholic in Milwaukee in the mid-1950's, I too had a basement chapel complete with an altar, tabernacle, chalice, paten and vestments from what I could scrape together (nothing like these kids!). My little brother and cousins had to be altar boys for me, saying Mass IN LATIN! Truth be told, I prayed the congregational parts myself since none of the kids knew it.
Everyone said I would be the priest of the family...the first-born male child in the Polish family....thankfully it was an Air Force Roman Catholic Chaplain who urged me to become Lutheran so I could be a priest and have a family. I had forgotten about that piece of advice in 1972 when in 1985 I felt the Call big time, and here I am!
Thanks for posting this!
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