Before we jump for joy and presume that a generation raised outside the faith is coming to know the Gospel, those purchasing a copy of the Bible will need catechesis. That is the primary opportunity. If we know anything about these first time readers, it is that they will peruse the offerings online before actually stepping through the door. This is where the opportunity lies. If we can hook them into faithful, orthodox online doors and into faithful, orthodox congregations, the future for the curious could be looking up. If that is the case, it may mean that there is an entrance into a block that has appeared rather untouchable to many.
Before we jump for joy there is also this sober assessment. That is the stark reality of children growing up in homes where God is absent, where His voice is not spoken, where His Word is not proclaimed, where His name is not invoked in prayer, and where His gifts are left untouched at the altar rail. That is a great sadness to those who know His presence, hear His voice, are uplifted by the Gospel, absolved of their sins, encouraged to pray the concerns of their hearts, and eat and drink the body and blood of their Savior. It is not that the Church is missing them but they are missing the Church. They are no people but could be God's people if the Word is spoken. We know the Spirit is faithful in His purpose and work -- we only wish more parents were.
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