Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Lutheran Heart Attack....

If you want to know what a Lutheran heart attack looks like, click on the video below and watch with amazement and amusement (just like B16) at the world's largest thurible take off to the wonder of clergy and lay, alike.  It all took place in November of 2010 and I think I might have posted it before, but, well, it is just the most awesome thing to see...  all the while giggling at the howls and hoots that would happen if such a thing were ever hoisted up and swung in your average Lutheran congregation.  Who says you can't have fun in church????

Click on this link for the Vimeo Video....

(Darned thing would not embed properly)


Chris said...

Now that's censing a church!

Anonymous said...

This Cathedral was also featured in the film "The Way" starring Martin Sheen and directed by Emilio Estevez. They show a portion of the Mass of the Pilgrims featuring this thurible and you get a glimpse of even more of the Cathedral. The movie's a bit long, but worth the watch in my opinion just for the final scenes...

Pr. Brian Noack

Carl Vehse said...

The Botafumeiro is over 5 feet in height, weighs 176 pounds along with 80 pounds of charcoal and incense (plant resins), and can reach a velocity of 42 mph while releasing the smoke.

Those who are interested a similar thurible in their church building, don't forget to check the placement of smoke detectors in the sanctuary. Some municipal fire departments charge a fee for false alarms. Also don't forget to instruct your thurifers to wear their liturgical hard hats (it will save you a nasty visit from OSHA). A traditional saying among learned thurifers is, "More incense, less nonsense."

In the meantime, there are other uses of a thurible (at 0:57 into the video).

Janis Williams said...

AWWWWW, I was hoping for 360 degrees, and to see it go through the roof!!

I almost lost it watching those eyes follow the swing. Wonder what his thoughts were?