Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thanks Are Due...

Thanks and appreciation go to those who worked with me to provide such a rich and splendid treasure of services this Lententide, Holy Week, and Easter. 
  • My thanks and appreciation to Cantor Rocky Craft for his able and calm leadership of the musical side of it all.  This man has been a gift and a blessing to me and to Grace Lutheran Church for way more than a decade. 
  • My thanks and appreciation to the Karen, Donna, and Margaret and for the countless hours of work put in to make it seem so easy during the service time itself.  Bless the Lord for each of you!
  • My thanks and appreciation to the choir, cantors, and musicians who so wonderfully assisted the blessed Words of Scripture with the gift of music to serve this Word.  God bless you for the many hours spent in rehearsal and preparation and for all the additional services which you attended.
  • My thanks and appreciation to the Altar Guild, to the Assisting Ministers, Acolytes, Ushers, Greeters, etc. who make things go so well you are hardly noticed in it all -- but, I noticed, and I am grateful for you...
  • My thanks and appreciation to Jan Williams who sewed the scarlet paraments and vestments new to this Holy Week (God bless you!)...
  • My thanks and appreciation to Kay Haase and her crew for the wonderful hospitality at the Palm Sunday closing celebration of our 50th Anniversary Year as a Congregation and for The Rev. John Nunes, whose enthusiasm and inspiration crowned this celebration with a strong view toward our future in service to the Lord...
  • My thanks and appreciation to Bonnie for her custodial care of our building -- made more difficult by all the services and the death of her sister-in-law.  Thank you, Bonnie, for all you do.
Finally I must express my humble and grateful appreciation to my family.  To Amy, my beloved wife, who holds me accountable when I shrug things off, who encourages me when I am uncertain, who cleans and sews and cooks and bakes behind the scenes so that hardly anyone at Church knows all that she does -- so quietly and so well.  She has put up with the worst of my weariness and stress and I cannot thank her enough...  To Joseph, my son and co-worker at the Church, who has put in so many extra hours doing everything from changing light bulbs to chanting Psalms to unloading countless boxes for the Food Pantry.  To Rachel, my daughter, who came home from college only to live around my busy schedule, spend half her time in worship, play the flute for several services, and provide me a distraction from the things that weighed me down.  Thank you... Thank you.... Thank you....

1 comment:

Janis Williams said...


Without Word and Sacrament, and that full complement of services, Lententide and Holy Week would not be so blessed.

For tireless work, study, prayer, and worship on your part, THANK YOU.