I love that scene from Moonstruck. Yet, even though I love the scene, the truth is that it is far from ordinary practice. We treat the food of God with much less care than this script places on the value of the home cooked food from Rose Castorini's table. It is a crying shame.
We Lutherans do not have rubrics with teeth to say how the elements of the Lord's Supper ought to be treated. Perhaps we should. But even rules cannot form piety. They can only hold in check the excesses of impiety.
How we treat the bread that is Christ's flesh and the cup of His blood is not a matter of rules but a mark of the measure of our faith. In the same way, how we treat the reliquae (what remains from that Supper) is telling. Four years ago I wrote: "Perhaps the most honest expression of what we believe about the Lord’s Supper comes from the way we treat the reliquae (that which remains after the distribution). For what we truly believe is often hidden in the way we handle the things of God when no one is looking, when the Divine Service is over, and we are left alone with our consciences.” Those words remain the truth and betray the dark secret that we treat the things of God far too casually for our own good.
It is impossible to hold to a doctrine and at the same time to tolerate practices at odds with what we say we confess. So the problem is not theoretical but eminently practical. It is faced weekly in most Lutheran congregations. Sadly, too many Lutheran pastors treat the issue of how we treat the elements as irrelevant to the doctrine and nonsense in the face of what they consider to be more pressing parish realities. In reality, people are noticing. Those being catechized notice. The people who hold the Word of God in great esteem can see the disconnect between what we say and do.

I have also seen it when there is no clear consecration of hosts or wine added because the supply of consecrated has run out. Without a clear connection between the Word of the Lord and the elements distributed, how can the people leave the Lord's table with confidence? It has the practical effect of telling the people there is no substantial difference between the elements set apart by the Word of Christ and the extras hauled out from the sacristy when needed. Is this what we believe?
How many serving on the Altar Guild have been given adequate training before they are allowed to set up and clean up? Maybe pastors should require volunteers to attend training that includes studying a book like "The Altar Guild Manual - Lutheran Service Book Edition" by Lee Maxwell.
This manual covers altar guild functions such as
•displaying, cleaning, and storing paraments and linens appropriately
•caring for sacramental vessels and vestments
•preparing for and cleaning up after worship services
•ordering supplies
If the common cup is used, the consumpton of the remaining Blood is a simple matter, as is the consumption of the remaining Body fragments. Individual cups make this a considerable problem.
You are right in saying that people notice what is done in this regard, and it does affect attitudes. And yet we wonder why people are leaving the Church?
What do you think the disciples did with the leftover bread and wine at the Last Supper?
Ate them?
In the Passover, the Lord COMMANDED NO LEFTOVERS. Should we treat the fulfillment of the Passover meal any less?
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