Wednesday, September 19, 2018

So how religious are Americans and their counterparts across the world. . .


Carl Vehse said...

According to the displayed graph, daily prayer percentages are much higher in countries with large Muslim populations. This graph equates daily prayers of Christians with the gibberish of non-Christian prayers to idols.

The Pew Research Center (PRC) is changing the way it categorizes religious views. Instead of categories of different religions and different Christian denominations, PRC uses a typology that includes these eight religiosity categories.

You can determine your religious typology by taking PRC's Religious typology quiz. Interestingly, persons who are either a devout Lutheran, Amish, or ISIS Muslim will have the same religious typology - Sunday Stalwart.

Furthermore, according to PRC's explanation, their Non-religious category, the "Religion Resisters," includes political liberals and Democrats.

This can be compared to the Political preferences of U.S. religious groups chart in PRC's 2016 article, "U.S. religious groups and their political leanings," based on their 2014 U.S. Religious Landscape Study.

Pew Research Center's methodology appears to fit the typology category of Syncretic GIGO.

Carl Vehse said...

Make that seven religiosity categories.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, Pastor Peters. Very interesting. Keep up the great work.

doofus said...

Wow Carl, you’re SOOO full of facts. THANKS!!!!